CityBus - Russian bus salon | April 28-30, 2025 г., Moscow, Russia

Bus transport for city, suburban and intercity routes

CityBus 2021

On May 12-14, 2021 Russian bus expo CityBus-2021 devoted to buses for urban and suburban routes, components and materials was held in Moscow as part of Russian Urban Transport Week

It was organized by Golden Chariot International Transport Award Organizing committee and supported by Ministry of transport of RF, Ministry of industry and Trade of RF, Moscow Chamber of Commerce as well as transport and industry associations: Union of passengers of Russia, the largest bus operators - GUP "Mosgortrans" and JSC Mostransavto.

Among the exhibitors were companies GAZ Group, MAZ RUS, ITLINE, Artex-Transholod, NPF ETNA, Safety Seal, Belrobot, Vebasto Rus, Vidor, DiMedia, Dreger, Kamsky Radiator, KSK Group, MedPoint24, SIDMASH, Sonz Rus, TKRus-Bus etc.

Full list of the participants of CityBus-2021 and other events of the Russian Urban Transport Week 2021.

3000 specialists from 850 enterprises and organizations visited bus exhibition, including heads and experts of bus operating companies from 50+ cities of Russia and neighboring countries.

Photo from the expo

2021 Business program:

May 12: 10.00 - 18.00 - All-Russian conference "Transport modeling as a tool for substantiating and supporting decision-making". The organizer is GAU NIiPI Gradplan of the city of Moscow.
May 12: 10.00 - 12.00 - round table "Information and navigation support of passenger transportation. Passenger services".
May 12: 10.00 - 13.00 - seminar for bus fleets owners "Tools and best practices for organizing passenger transportation on CNG and LNG", organized by the National Gas Engine Association. 
May 12: 14.30 - 15.30 - round table on the organization of technical inspection of the vehicle.
May 13: 10.00 - 12.00 - round table "Selection of climatic equipment for rolling stock", organized by NPF ETNA PLUS LLC.
May 13: 10.00 - 14.00 - All-Russian conference "Development of public transport fare payment technologies".
May 13: 15.30 - 17.00 - round table "Lighting of repair areas of parks and electric depots: how to improve safety, quality and energy efficiency".
May 13: 15.00 - 18.00 - Technical visit "Functioning of electric transport of the VDNH ring route. Experience in the operation of electric buses of GUP Mosgortrans.
May 14: 13.00 - 15.00 - Technical visit to the Yuzhny branch of GUP Mosgortrans.